
Standard vs Itemized Deductions: Which Is Right for You?

Standard vs Itemized Deductions: Which Is Right for You? - Rush Tax Resolution

When preparing a federal tax return, you can choose between a standard deduction or several itemized deductions. In either case, a tax deduction is designed to reduce a taxpayer’s tax liability. This is primarily to reimburse losses, incentivize investment, and reduce the tax liability for low-income households. Your standard deduction depends on your filing status, while …

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State Tax Garnishment Rules to Know 

state tax garnishment rules

When it comes to state tax garnishment rules, they are effectively non-negotiable. If you have an eligible income, you have a tax liability, and if you are self-employed, you will have to report and file your taxes diligently and single-handedly. But certain circumstances – from an ineligible deduction on a return to a penalty for …

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Itemized vs. Standard Deductions: What’s Right for You?

Itemized vs. Standard Deductions - Rush Tax Resolution

When preparing your taxes, you likely look towards deductions, but when it comes to itemized vs. standard deductions, which one is right for you? Out of the few ways you can reduce your income taxes each year, the only two you can rely on year after year are the standard deduction and itemized deduction. While …

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What is the Penalty for Paying Taxes Late? Oct. Deadline Approaching!

What is the Penalty for Paying Taxes Late_ Oct. Deadline Approaching - Rush Tax Resolution

As the October 2021 tax deadline approaches, it is essential that you be prepared, but what is the penalty for paying taxes late? The IRS extended the deadline for filing 2020 tax returns to October 15, 2021, rather than the usual national Tax Day of April 15. Taxpayers who have not yet filed can still …

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