Experienced Sales & Use Tax Audit Representation
Sales Tax Law presents a number of strict regulations and aggressive auditing procedures causing concern for companies facing an inspection. Having knowledgeable and experienced sales tax audit lawyers and defense experts protecting your interests will be a vital asset for you.
The following questions can help pinpoint the best representation when a state audit is imminent, on-going, or even completed:
- “Do I have someone fighting for me who has the proven experience dealing with the very complex myriad of California Sales Tax laws, regulations, interpretations, policies, and procedures?”
- “Have I put myself in the best position to secure positive results from a sales tax audit by engaging the help of someone who specializes in this area?”
Our tax audit representation services range from pre-audit consultations to the processing of all necessary and warranted aspects of an audit. Although our efforts are always focused on minimizing the magnitude of the audit, when necessary we can also assist with every stage of the Board of Equalization’s sales tax audit and administrative appeals.
Although we can initiate our audit representation at any time in the audit process, it is most advantageous to our clients when we are engaged prior to the start of the tax audit. This allows us to manage the entire process, further helping to ensure that the audit is completed correctly and that your rights are fully protected from start to finish.