
Myth: The IRS Hands Out Offers in Compromise Like Oprah Handed Out Cars on Her Giveaway Shows!

The IRS released its annual ‘Dirty Dozen’ campaign, renewing a warning about companies sometimes referred to as Offer in Compromise ‘mills’. The IRS notes that these ‘mills’ aggressively promote Offers in Compromise (OIC) and create the illusion that the IRS hands these out like Oprah handed out free cars on her big giveaway shows – ‘And you get an OIC! And you get an OIC! Everybody gets an OIC!!!’

If you want to make sure you’re calling a reputable tax resolution firm, a quick Yelp or Better Business Bureau search can reveal ALOT. You can usually tell who the bad actors are when you read the same complaint mentioned in terrible review after terrible review – usually some iteration of ‘They said they could considerably reduce what I owed the IRS. I paid them thousands of dollars, they’ve done nothing, and now with all the penalties and interest piled on top of what I already owed, I’m in worse shape than before I hired them!’

The OIC program allows eligible taxpayers with an unpaid tax debt to negotiate a settled amount that is less than the total taxes owed, to clear the debt.

The IRS considers an Offer in Compromise based on the taxpayer’s ability to pay, income, expenses, and asset equity. It’s essentially a compromise between the taxpayer and the IRS to settle the tax debt for less than the full amount under certain circumstances.

The Offer in Compromise program is meant to provide relief for taxpayers who are genuinely unable to pay their tax debts. It’s not for individuals who merely want to avoid paying their taxes.

Rush Tax offers a FREE IRS transcript investigation and analysis UPFRONT – and a FREE pre-qualification consultation to see if you qualify for an Offer in Compromise.

Check out some of our actual client results here!

An experienced tax professional can navigate the IRS’s rules, statutes, and payment options to help you find the best way to eliminate your tax debt. Take the guesswork out of paying off your debt by speaking with a tax professional today.