
IRS Collections: What You Need to Know (Post COVID-19)

IRS Collections Beginning Again - Rush Tax Resolution

During the pandemic, the IRS temporarily halted all collection actions. In the coming months, IRS Collections will begin again, impacting taxpayers across the United States. Here’s what you need to know. As we enter a post-pandemic state, the IRS begins to normalize the collection process and return to its regular pace. This will have an …

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Common IRS Notices To Know: A Taxpayers Guide

IRS Notices - Rush Tax Resolution

Receiving an IRS notice can be extremely daunting, but do not stress. Here is a list of five types of IRS notices and what they mean for you. The IRS sends out hundreds of thousands of notices every year to taxpayers, these IRS notices can include: Reminding them to review their taxes Send in additional …

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I Owe Money to the IRS, What Do I Do?

What to Do If You Owe Money to the IRS - Rush Tax Resolution

If you owe money to the IRS, you may feel helpless and unsure of what to do, but you have options. Our tax professionals can help you find a solution that works for you. You might feel like IRS debt puts you in a hopeless or even shameful situation but let us assure you that …

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